Thanks to Mike Jabara for purchasing a block of tickets, a group of us made it to another installment of the annual holiday bowl at Qualcomm Stadium.   Preston took the lead and organized the tailgating that took place in the parking lot.  Preston got there about 12 noon, with most arriving by about 2:30pm.   We had a FRIGGEN FEAST of food and plenty to drink.

A group of F-18s did a super loud fly-by, minutes after a half dozen Navy Seals parachuted into the center of the stadium.  I busted out the remains of a large Jose Quervo bottle to polish that off and warm our bellies before heading in. 

Once in the stadium, we were right to our seats, which as we all commented were tucked up under the over-hang of the section above us, making it all warm, a bit dark, and cozy feeling . . . all of the ingredients NOT wanted at a holiday bowl.  It’s meant to be open, cold, bright and crazy… Lenny and I got to hang out with the Oregon Ducks band during the half time show as we snuck into some seats.  The real owners showed back up soon after so we had to return to our normally scheduled seats.

We watched till the end of the game, Oklahoma winning over Oregon, and we made it back to the parking lot, only to crack open some more beer, fire up the grill and wait out the traffic jam that sat there for at least an hour. 

My head hurt the next morning . . . not sure why . . . LOL 🙂

So when you’re ready, crack open a beer and enjoy the holiday bowl 2005 pictures.  I’m ready for next year’s party!!